In order to make schools safer, the National Rifle Association wants all teachers and administrators to buy guns and undergo special training so they can be ready to stop the likelihood of Newtown ever happening again. But why stop with teachers and administrators? In the State of Kansas, for example, if you’re fourteen years old, you can get a learner’s permit to drive a car. So why not give our teenagers a learner’s permit to shoot firearms so they can protect themselves in case their teachers and administrators aren’t around? And, while we’re at it, why not give a learner’s permit to anyone who’s at least six years old? How many of those little kids at Newton died unnecessarily because they only played with fake guns when they could have had real ones? How many of them would be alive today if their mothers had packed some small hand guns in their lunch boxes, or maybe some tiny assault weapons in their gym bags? The NRA has the perfect solution: Let. No. Gun. Be. Left. Behind.